International Women
in Martial Arts Initiative
We don't plan for it, we have it... The International Women in Martial Arts Initiative - provides support to women in martial arts as well as bringing in new women into the sport. The initiative offers seminars, keynote speaking events, workshops, and self-defence classes and other fundamental martial arts for women of all ages. Without the many successful women currently in our organisation, the GCO/WKUWORLD would not be what it is today. Whether it be in our rules committee, in our country representatives, in the main office, as a promoter or as a referee, we are continuously building and investing into the next generation.
Patricia Dalton
Efi Selliou
Fight Night Promoter
Dr. Yvonne Thorhauer
WKUWORLD Black Belt Programm
Lori Lantrip Stanley
WKUWORLD President of Forms
“Opponents would look at me and say, ‘You’ve got to be kidding! She can’t be a fighter!’ ”
For some, that observation was a gross miscalculation. According to Houston’s Larry Ritchie, who’s officiated several of Lantrip’s bouts, “You can get hurt worse just refereeing one of her matches than you can competing in black belt fighting.” Lantrip began practicing judo at the age of five under her father and switched to karate in the mid-1970s. Not long after came her turning point. “In 1980,” she explains, “when I got my black belt, I made a decision one day, at the last minute, to fight in a tournament. I even had to borrow sparring equipment. By the beginning of 1982, I was nationally ranked.” And she’s been ranked among America’s top ten fighters ever since.
Leonie Rosin
Youngest WKUWORLD President
(Oceania & New Zealand)
Patricia Dalton
WKUWORLD President of Light Contact / Kick Light
WKUWORLD Rules Committee
Treasurer Irish TaeKwon-Do Council
"My Taekwon-Do journey was never straight but rather dotted with potholes and diversions… I am so grateful for some incredible people who traveled with me. Their support, encouragement, friendship and love means so much. ...decades of friendship make great team mates and working colleagues."
Patricia Dalton
Dr. Christine Theiss
WKUWORLD Professional Kickboxing World Champion
But what is it about kickboxing that appeals to her? “There are several aspects,” says Theiss. The training with different elements is varied and challenges the whole body. “In competition, it's the challenge of 'man against man' or 'woman against woman' - without any equipment or teammates playing a role,” she says. She also feels very comfortable at the martial arts center where she trains and continues to develop every day.
Theiss was born in Greiz, Thuringia, in 1980. Her parents, both doctors, left the East Germany in 1984 and moved to Bayreuth. She studied medicine at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich from 2001 to 2007. She switched to professional kickboxing in 2006 after becoming amateur world champion.Patricia Dalton
Cigdem Kutlu
Nadine Flöper
WKUWORLD Trainer Education
Airene Landes
WKUWORLD Marketing