21.09. Frauenfeld, SUI
WKU World Title 72,5 kg
Samuele de Meis (SUI) beat Patrick Cesccatti
WKU ProAM European Title
Giorgio Varriale besiegte Farid Nadir
21.09. Frauenfeld, SUI
WKU World Title 72,5 kg
Samuele de Meis (SUI) beat Patrick Cesccatti
WKU ProAM European Title
Giorgio Varriale besiegte Farid Nadir
30.11. Basel, SUIWKU World Title 67 kgArjan Hajdari (KOS) beat Riccardo Santese (ITA) WKU World Title 79 kgMike Wassermann (FRA) beat Azdren Krasniqi (KOS)
07.12. Uster, SUIWKU Suisse Title 67 kgPazzo Xhemaili beat Simeon Burki WKU Jun. Suisse Title 63,5 kgRiccardo Marsiglio beat Aleksej Sasa Cukic WKU Jun. Suissse
79 kg World Title KickboxingRuben Borello (ENG) beat Giannis Sofokleous (GER) 83 kg World Title K1Joao Pereira (BRA) beat Alexander Stepanov (RUS) 86 kg Interkontinental
72,5 kg WKU World Title K1Besmir Helshani beat Fahim Hakimi 79 kg WKU World Title K1Paul Leipi beat John Kallenbach
14.09.2024 München WORLD CHAMPION KICKBOXING K1 -65KG:Michaela Michl vs. Hannah Turner – Hannah T. win by points. WORLD CHAMPION KICKBOXING K1 -70KG:Taras Hnatchuk vs. Pascal
Results Phoenix Fighting Championships III 1 Fight: 3x2min 58kg K1 Mailin Frank vs Olena Heere Winner: Mailin Frank 2 Fight: 3x2min 74kg K1 Toure Ott vs Felix Häusener
: @haliltosun_munich & @munich_shots & @vanmile (EN) Last Saturday, another successful Stekos Fight Night took place in the nostalgic Olympia Eisstadion where among others, World
With the theme of „Casino Royale“, the 6th annual Gladiators Fight Night in Ingolstadt opened with a wonderful rendition of „Skyfall“ by talented Artist and